Peer reviewed Journals
- Title: High-Resolution UV Absorption Cross-Section Measurements of 32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S Sulfur Dioxide for the B̃1B1−X̃1A1 Absorption Band
Authors(s): Y. Li, S.O. Danielache, Y. Endo, S. Nanbu, Y. Ueno
ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 8(10), 2024. - Title: Photo-oxidation pathway as a potential CS2 sink in the atmosphere Authors(s): Y. Li, K. Kamezaki, S.O. Danielache GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 68(5), 169-183, 2024.
- Title: Introducing atmospheric photochemical isotopic processes to the PATMO atmospheric code Authors(s): S. O. Danielache, G. Iwama, M. Shinkai, E. Simoncini, T. Grassi GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 57(2), 42-58, 2023.
- Title: Absorption spectra measurements at ~1 cm−1 spectral resolution of 32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S sulfur dioxide for the 206−220 nm region and applications to modeling of the isotopic self-shielding Authors(s): Y. Endo, S. O. Danielache, M. Ogawa, Y. Ueno GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 56(1), 40-56, 2022.
- Title: Presence of water on exomoons orbiting free-floating planets: a case study Author(s): P. J. Ávila, T. Grassi, S. Bovino, A. Chiavassa, B. Ercolano, S. O. Danielache, E. Simoncini INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY, Vol. 20(4), pp. 300-311, 2021.
- Title: Theoretical analysis of the kinetic isotope effect on carboxylation in RubisCO Author(s): T. Jiang, K. Moriwaki, O. Kobayashi, K. Ishimura, S. O. Danielache, S. Nanbu JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 41(11), pp. 1116-1123, 2020.
- Title: Theoretical study of electronic properties and isotope effects in the UV absorption spectrum of disulfur Author(s): K. Sarka, S. O. Danielache, A. Kondorskiy, S. Nanbu. CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol.516, pp. 108-115, 2019.
- Title: Radioactive 35S emitted from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and its re-suspension from the contaminated area Authors(s): S. O. Danielache, C. Yoshikawa, M. Kajino, S. Itou, W. Kakeya, N. Yoshida, Y. Igarashi GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 53(2), 103-118, 2019.
- Title: Total pressure dependence of sulfur mass-independent fractionation by SO2 photolysis Authors(s): Y. Endo, S. O. Danielache, Y. Ueno GEOCHEMICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 46(1), pp. 483-491, 2019.
- Title: Exoplanet Biosignatures: Future Directions Author(s): S. I Walker, W. Bains, L. Cronin, S. DasSarma, S. O. Danielache, S. Domagal-Goldman, B. Kacar, N. Y Kiang, A. Lenardic, C. T Reinhard, W. Moore, E. W Schwieterman, E. L Shkolnik, H. B Smith ASTROBIOLOGY, 18(6) 779-824, 2018.
- Title: Nonadiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics with PME-ONIOM scheme of photoisomerization reaction between 1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1,3,5-cis-hexatriene in solution phase Author(s): A. Ohta, O. Kobayashi, S. O. Danielache, S. Nanbu. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 485-486, pp. 45-59, 2017.
- Title: Thermodynamics, Disequilibrium, Evolution: Far-From-Equilibrium Geological and Chemical Considerations for Origin-Of-Life Research Author(s): L. M. Barge, E. Branscomb, J. R. Brucato, S. S. S. Cardoso, J. H. E. Cartwright, S. O. Danielache, D. Galante, T. P. Kee, Y. Miguel, S. Mojzsis, K. J. Robinson, M. J. Russell, E. Simoncini, P. Sobron. ORIGIN OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES, 47(1), pp. 39-56, 2017.
- Title: Sulfur isotope fractionation by broadband UV radiation to optically thin SO2 under reducing atmosphere Author(s): Y. Endo, Y. Ueno, S. Aoyama, S. O Danielache. PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTRES, 453, pp. 9-22, 2016.
- Title: Thermodynamics, Disequilibrium, Evolution: Far-From-Equilibrium Geological and Chemical Considerations for Origin-Of-Life Research. Author(s): L. M. Barge, E. Branscomb, J. R. Brucato, S. S. S. Cardoso, J. H. E. Cartwright, S. O. Danielache, D. Galante, T. P. Kee , Y. Miguel, S. Mojzsis, K. J. Robinson, M. J. Russell, E. Simoncini, P. Sobron. ORIGIN OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES, DOI 10.1007/s11084-016-9508-z, 2016.
- Title: A Strategy for Origins of Life Research. Author(s): C. Scharf, N. Virgo, J. Cleaves, M. Aono, N. Aubert-Kato, A. Aydinoglu, A. Barahona, L. M. Barge, S. A. Benner, M. Biehl, S. O. Danielache, et al., ASTROBIOLOGY, 15(12):1031-1042, 2015.
- Title: Nonadiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics of photoisomerization reaction between 1, 3-cyclohexadiene and 1, 3, 5-cis-hexatriene. Auhor(s): A. Ohta, O. Kobayashi, S. O Danielache, S. Nanbu CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 459, pp. 45-53, 2015.
- Title: Insight into nitrous oxide production processes in the western North Pacific based on a marine ecosystem isotopomer model Author(s): C. Yoshikawa, H. Abe, M. N. Aita, F. Breider, K. Kuzunuki, S. Toyoda, N. O. Ogawa, H. Suga, N. Ohkouchi, S. O. Danielache, M. Wakita, M. C. Honda, N. Yoshida JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, Special Section: Original Article K2S1 project, pp1-18, 2015.
- Title: Photoabsorption cross-section measurements of 32S, 33S, 34S and 36S sulfur dioxide from 190 to 220 nm. Author(s): Y. Endo, S. O. Danielache, Y. Ueno, S. Hattori, M. S. Johnson, N. Yoshida, H. G. Kjærgaard. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, Vol. 120(6), 2015.
- Title: Theoretical study of ultraviolet induced photodissociation dynamics of sulfuric acid Author(s): T. Murakami, A. Ohta, T. Suzuki, K. Ikeda, S. O. Danielache, S. Nanbu CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 452, pp. 17-24, 2015.
- Title: Non-adiabatic calculations of ultraviolet absorption cross-section of Sulfur Monoxide; Isotopic effects on the photo-dissociation reaction. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, T. Suzuki, A. Kondorsky, I. Tokue, S. Nanbu. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 140(4), 044319, 2014.
- Title: Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes during Broadband SO2 Photolysis: Comparison between 16O- and 18O-rich SO2. Author(s): H. B. Franz, S. O. Danielache, J. Farquhar and B. A. Wing. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, Vol. 362, 20 pp. 56 to 65, 2013.
- Title: SO2 photoexcitation mechanism links mass-independent sulfur isotopic fractionation in cryospheric sulfate to climate impacting volcanism. Author(s): S. Hattori, J. A. Schmidt, M. S. Johnson, S. O. Danielache, A. Yamada, Y. Ueno, and N. Yoshida. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Special Feature Pages: 10.1073 Published: SEP. 5, 2013.
- Title: An estimation of the radioactive 35S emitted into the atmospheric from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by using a numerical simulation global transport. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, C. Yoshikawa, A Priyadarshi, T. Takemura, Y. Ueno, M. H. Thiemens and N. Yoshida. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 46, pp. 335 to 339, 2012.
- Title: Photoabsorption cross-section measurements of 32S, 33S, 34S and 36S sulfur dioxide for the B1B1-X1A1 absorption band. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, S. Hattori, M. S. Johnson, Y. Ueno, S. Nanbu, N. Yoshida. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, Vol. 117, D24, 27, 2012.
- Title: Isotope Effect in the Carbonyl Sulfide Reaction with O(3P). Author(s): S. Hattori, S. A. Schmidt, D. Mahler, S. O. Danielache, M. S. Johnson and N. Yoshida. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 116, 3521-3526, 2012.
- Title: An isotope view on ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid. Author(s): M. B. Enghoff, N. Bork, S. Hattori, C. Meusinger, M. Nakagawa, J. O. Pepke Pedersen, S. O. Danielache, Y. Ueno, M. S. Johnson, N. Yoshida and H. Svensmark. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS DISCUSSIONS, 12, 5039-5064, 2012.
- Title: Predictions of the sulfur and carbon kinetic isotope effects in the OH + OCS reaction. Author(s): J. A. Schmidt, Y. Jung, S. Hattori, S. O. Danielache, M. S. Johnson and N. Yoshida. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 531, 64-69, 2012.
- Title: Ultraviolet absorption cross-sections of carbonyl sulfide isotopologues OC32S, OC33S, OC34S and O13CS: isotopic fractionation in photolysis and atmospheric implications. Author(s): S. Hattori, S. O. Danielache, M. S. Johnson, J. Schmidt, H. G. Kjaergard, S. Toyoda, Y. Ueno, N. Yoshida. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 11, 10923-10303, 2011.
- Title: Geological sulfur isotopes indicate elevated OCS in the Archean atmosphere, solving faint young sun paradox. Author(s): Y. Ueno, M. S Johnson, S. O. Danielache, C. Eskerbjerg, A. Pandey, N. Yoshida. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Volume:106, Issue:35, Pages:14784-14789, Published: SEP. 1, 2009.
- Title: Carbonyl sulfide isotopologues: Ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and stratospheric photolysis. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, S. Nanbu, C. Eskebjerg, M. S. Johnson, N. Yoshida. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 131, Issue:2, Article Number: 024307, 2009.
- Title: High-precision spectroscopy of S-32, S-33, and S-34 sulfur dioxide: Ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and isotope effects. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, C. Eskebjerg, M. S. Johnson, Y. Ueno, N. Yoshida. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, Volume:113, Issue:D17, Article Number: D17314, 2008.
- Title: Ab initio study of sulfur isotope fractionation in the reaction of OCS with OH. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, M. S. Johnson, S. Nanbu, M. M.-L Grage, C. McLinden, N. Yoshida. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume:450, Issue:4-6, Pages:214-220, 2008.
- Title: Analysis of C-13 NMR chemical shielding and XPS for cellulose and chitosan by DFT calculations using the model molecules. Author(s): S. O. Danielache, M. Mizuno, S. Shimada, K. Endo, T. Ida, K. Takaoka, E. Z. Kurmaev. POLYMER JOURNAL, Volume:37, Issue:1, Pages: 21-29, 2005.
- Title: Isomer structure of high-pressure hydrofullerene probed by soft X-ray emission. Author(s): E. Z. Kurmaev, V. Moewes, T. Ida, S. O. Danielache, I. O. Bashkin, A. I. Harkunov, A. P. Moravsky. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, Volume:639, Pages:27-33, 2003.
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